artistree pic of nick almost horizontal in the canopy of a tree reaching to prune a limb off with a chain saw


ARTISTREE believes that correct and timely pruning is one of the most important tree care practices. During the lifecycle of plants, there are numerous important pruning techniques that need to be employed in order to maximise their health, structural integrity and true form. Formative pruning begins in the early stages of a plants life. Routine pruning addresses dead, diseased and crossing branches throughout a tree’s life cycle. Correct pruning techniques can enhance tree health, flowers and fruit. This is not an easy task and requires training and experience to achieve the best possible results for your landscape. The following list explains the diversity of pruning expertise required.


Pruning to Australian Standard AS 4373-2007; 
Pruning of amenity trees;
Pruning away from structures and assets;
Formative pruning;
Crown lifting;
Crown thinning;
Crown reduction;
Habitat creation;
Fruit tree pruning;
Hedge trimming and training;
Climbing plants;
Wall training/espalier;
Possum banding & isolation prunings.



Creative pruning and hedge trimming.


artistree pic showing Nick hanging from a tree trimming off dead limbs of a tree

All deadwood was removed from this huge Red Gum except for large dead hollows which have high habitat retention value.


artistree pic of nick right out on a limb reducing a very big tree

Large Elm weight reduction prune in Malvern East. We achieve the results we do by going that extra little bit for our clients.


This Waterhousia is a high value tree in a courtyard. Canopy thinning and height reduction was needed to allow more light into garden below.


artistree pic of a tree trimmed right back to branches as required by some species

Large Coral Tree pollard. This tree has been pollarded for many years and is an excellent way to manage certain species in confined spaces.


Pruning Canary Island Date Palms can can be a dangerous task. Dead fronds, live fronds and seed pods cleaned up on this large feature palm.

Pruning to Australian Standard AS 4373-2007; 
Pruning of amenity trees;
Pruning away from structures and assets;
Formative pruning;
Crown lifting;
Crown thinning;
Crown reduction;
Habitat creation;
Fruit tree pruning;
Hedge trimming and training;
Climbing plants;
Wall training/espalier;
Possum banding & isolation prunings.



Creative pruning and hedge trimming.


artistree pic showing Nick hanging from a tree trimming off dead limbs of a tree

All deadwood was removed from this huge Red Gum except for large dead hollows which have high habitat retention value.


artistree pic of nick right out on a limb reducing a very big tree

Large Elm weight reduction prune in Malvern East. We achieve the results we do by going that extra little bit for our clients.


This Waterhousia is a high value tree in a courtyard. Canopy thinning and height reduction was needed to allow more light into garden below.


artistree pic of a tree trimmed right back to branches as required by some species

Large Coral Tree pollard. This tree has been pollarded for many years and is an excellent way to manage certain species in confined spaces.


Pruning Canary Island Date Palms can can be a dangerous task. Dead fronds, live fronds and seed pods cleaned up on this large feature palm.


artistree diagram showing tree before and after crown liftting and which parts were removed


artistree diagram showing tree before and after crown reduction and which parts were removed


artistree diagram showing tree before and after crown thinning and which parts were removed